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Integrated Field-Base and Stratigraphic Forward Modelling

Predict Research Group is a leading research group in the field of integrated field-based and stratigraphic forward modelling. Our team of experts is dedicated to advancing the science of geological modelling through carefully crafted projects. We invite you to read more about our projects and the innovative ways we are pushing the boundaries of geological modelling.

Integrated Field-Base and Stratigraphic Forward Modelling

Dolomitization research is a fascinating field in geology that focuses on understanding how limestone, a common type of sedimentary rock, transforms into dolomite. This process, known as dolomitization, involves the replacement of calcium in the limestone with magnesium. Researchers in this field study various aspects such as the chemical, physical, and environmental conditions that drive this transformation.

A key aspect of dolomitization research is to understand the environments where this process occurs, which can range from shallow marine settings to deep burial conditions. Scientists also explore the role of different fluids, like seawater or groundwater, in facilitating this change. Understanding dolomitization is crucial because it can significantly impact the characteristics of the rock, affecting its porosity and permeability. This

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